Canadian Academy of Periodontology

The foundation of a healthy smile

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Jump the Gap with the CAP - A webinar series designed for CAP members

A webinar series designed for CAP members. Registration is complimentary for CAP members, with nominal fees for hygienists and non-CAP members.

These seminars will be presented on the last Thursday of every other month via Zoom. Each session will be 1-hour long followed by a 10-15 minute Q&A session and a short sponsor presentation.

Lecture Date: Last Thursday of every other month

Lecture Time: 8:00pm-9:30pm ET

Registration Fees
CAP Members: no charge
Non-CAP Members: $75+HST
Hygienists: $25+HST

CE Points: Each session will qualify for 1.5 CE Points

On Demand: Provided the speaker's permission is obtained, sessions may be available on-demand on the member's side of the CAP website for a duration of 2 weeks following the live broadcast.

Jump the GAP with CAP
March Session

Thursday, March 27, 2025
8:00PM-9:30PM ET

Dr. Mohammad Ahmad Javaid
BDS (UHS), MSc, Dip. Perio, MSc Craniofacial Sciences, FRCDC, DAPB

Management of Complex Cases: Vertical (3D) Bone Regeneration and Soft Tissue Grafting

Over 50% of dental implant cases require bone augmentation. Regeneration of bone, especially vertical and 3-dimensional bone regeneration is technically very difficult, clinically unpredictable and requires precise planning and execution. Similarly soft tissue regeneration, be it around teeth or dental implants, can be a daunting dental procedure. The days of creating keratinized gingiva for optimal tooth and implant health are long gone. Today, the patients expect increased functionality with optimum esthetics. Connective tissue graft is a predictable periodontal plastic surgery procedure that can meet such expectations. It has the potential to deliver premium esthetics with longterm functional stability.

This lecture will help dentist, dental specialists, residents and dental professionals identify hard and soft tissue defects and inadequacies, understand what realistic outcomes can be achieved through bone and soft tissue grafting and how different bone and soft tissue grafting techniques can be used for the management of complex cases.

Learning Objectives:

1. Understand the thought process in the selection of surgical technique.
2. Understand the potential risks and challenges when performing vertical and 3D bone regeneration.
3. Develop an understanding about the novel use of connective tissue graft in the management of peri-implantitis therapy and bone grafting.
4. See how some challenging cases are managed through the use of autogenous tissue – bone and soft tissue.

Bio Dr. Javaid

Dr. Mo, as his patients like to call him, is a certified Periodontist currently serving as the Director and Principal Clinician at the Cityview Periodontal and Oral Surgery Centre, Regina.

During his training, he was ranked among the top 2% Periodontics residents across the world that sat for the prestigious American Academy of Periodontology In Service Exam in 2015.

He continues to mentor dentists and dental specialists nationally and internationally, especially regarding the surgical aspects of periodontal and implant therapy.

He regularly conducts hands on courses and workshops for dentists and dental specialists. He has published numerous articles and book chapters and recently his surgical work has been used by other authors for their scientific endeavors in research article and book chapter.

He is an international speaker, who likes to unfold and simply the connection between scientific literature and routine private clinical practice.

Registration will open soon

Jump the GAP with CAP
November Session

Thursday, November 30, 2025
8:00PM-9:30PM ET

Dr. Morvarid Poorsattar Dr. Masoud Varshosaz

Role of Radiology in Preventing and Detecting Complications in Dental Implants

This lecture aims to provide dentists and dental professionals with a comprehensive understanding of the pivotal role of radiology in the prevention and detection of complications associated with dental implants. Participants will gain insights into various radiological techniques, their application in implant dentistry, and how to interpret radiographic findings to optimize patient outcomes.

Learning Objectives:

1. Learn different radiological techniques used in implant dentistry.
2. Identify common complications associated with dental implants, which can be prevented by appropriate imaging.
3. Recognize radiographic signs of implant complications.
4. Develop skills in interpreting radiographic images for early detection of complications.
5. Implement strategies to prevent complications through effective radiological assessment.

Learning Outline:

Learning Outline and Outcomes (PDF)

Dr. Morvarid Poorsattar is a dual-trained Oral and Maxillofacial Radiologist and Orthodontist. She graduated with her DDS degree from Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran. She earned her certificate in dental surgery from Paris Descartes University in, France, her certificate in orthodontics from Sorbonne University in Paris, France and her certificate in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology from University of Texas Health Center at San Antonio. Dr. Poorsattar is fellow of the Royal College of the Dentists of Canada and a certified member of Glasgow Orthodontics in England.

She is a main author and co-author of a few publications and a reviewer of the journal of Oral Surgery, Oral Pathology, Oral Medicine, Oral Radiology (OOOO). Her main fields of interest are sleep medicine and temporomandibular joint disorders; which she had training for in TUFT University, Boston.

She is a nature and animal lover and enjoys gardening and traveling with her husband and her 2 young kids.

Dr. Masoud Varshosaz graduated in 1992 with DDS degree and completed a specialty program in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiologist in 1995 in Iran. Dr. Varshosaz is a board-certified Oral radiologist in Canada. He has been involving in teaching and private practice in oral radiology both here in Canada and back home ever since he graduated. Dr. Varshosaz is honored to have been an assistant professor and director of the Oral Radiology program in one of the highest ranked University in Iran. He is a clinical associate at the University of Toronto, Faculty of Dentistry. Dr. Varshosaz is a fellow of RCDSO, member of Canadian Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial radiologist, American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial radiology, Ontario Dental Association, and associate/consultant oral radiologist at private radiology centers in USA and Canada.

Dr. Varshosaz spends his spare time with his family and friends, watching movies with his kids, and enjoys learning about astronomy, which is one of his passions.

Registration will open on September 25, 2025


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