Canadian Academy of Periodontology

The foundation of a healthy smile

2024 Meeting Speakers - Hygiene Track

Dental Hygiene Track Speakers

The 1-Day comprehensive Dental Hygiene Track is a collaborative approach from the beginning to the end – from Assessment, Classification to Treatment Planning and Debridement for Optimal Oral Care. Attendees are encouraged to submit their clinical cases (before the meeting) for discussion during the last session of the day.

Speaker RDH Track Topics
8.00 – 9.15am Penny Hatzimanolakis Who’s Failing – Implants or Us? (Part 1)
9.15 – 9.45am Break
9.45 – 11.00am Penny Hatzimanolakis Who’s Failing – Implants or Us? (Part 2)
11.00 – 11.30am Break
11.30 – 12.45am Dr. Liran Levin Peri-Implantitis: All you want (or not) to know!
12.45 – 1.45pm Lunch
1.45 – 3.00pm Dr. Liran Levin Education & Prevention: A Team Approach to Better Oral Health
3.00 – 3.30pm Break
3.30 – 5.00pm Penny Hatzimanolakis & Dr. Levin Interactive Case Discussion (cases submitted from attendees)

To submit cases for the Interactive Case Discussion (3.30 – 5.00pm session), please use the template attached here.

Download (PowerPoint PPTX File)

Online Registration

Penny Hatzimanolakis

Saturday June 8, 2024 - Hygiene Track


Who’s Failing – Implants or Us? (Part 1)

Oral health care practitioners play a pivotal role in maintaining implant health. Knowledge of implant components, mechanisms, and debridement materials is central to achieving comprehensive and individualized patient care plans. This lecture, intended for clinicians, involves the ADPIE; assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation of implant care impacting oral and overall health.


• Assess: parameters to consider in assessing implants
• Diagnosis: describe the 2018 AAP/EFP peri-implant classification.
• Planning: managing the risk factors for healthy and compromised implants, including oral self-care protocols.
• Implement: describe guided biofilm therapy (GBT) and debridement for healthy and implant infections.
• Evaluation: describe the complications, referral and recall intervals for healthy and implant infections


Who’s Failing – Implants or Us? - Part 2

Oral health care practitioners play a pivotal role in maintaining implant health. Knowledge of implant components, mechanisms, and debridement materials is central to achieving comprehensive and individualized patient care plans. This lecture, intended for clinicians, involves the ADPIE; assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation of implant care impacting oral and overall health.


• Assess: parameters to consider in assessing implants
• Diagnosis: describe the 2018 AAP/EFP peri-implant classification.
• Planning: managing the risk factors for healthy and compromised implants, including oral self-care protocols.
• Implement: describe guided biofilm therapy (GBT) and debridement for healthy and implant infections.
• Evaluation: describe the complications, referral and recall intervals for healthy and implant infections


Interactive Case Discussion
(cases submitted from attendees)

In collaboration Dr. Liran Levin

  • CAP to ask attendees to submit their cases before the conference.
  • During that session, those who submit their cases will present for 7 mins each about the case. Based on what they learn on the day, a discussion will be facilitated on how would they assess, classify and come up with their treatment plan.
  • Penny and Dr. Levin will facilitate the discussion on each case accordingly.

To submit cases for the Interactive Case Discussion (3.30 – 5.00pm session), please use the template attached here.

Download (PowerPoint PPTX File)


Clinical Associate Professor University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

Since 1994, Penny Hatzimanolakis, MSc, BDSc, DHP(c), has been practicing with a periodontic/prosthodontic specialty team since 1994. From 2002 to now, she has facilitated learning in the graduate periodontics, undergraduate dental, and dental hygiene degree programs at the University of British Columbia, Canada. She has published and coauthored in multiple peer-reviewed journals and presented nationally and internationally. She is on several boards and a KOL for several companies. Penny volunteers in programs supporting specialized populations.

Prof. Dr. Liran Levin

Saturday June 8, 2024 - Hygiene Track


Peri-implantitis – All you want (or not) to know!

During the last years, the use of dental implants is becoming a common practice and peri-implant diseases are more frequently evident. Apparently, as time goes by and also implies from the available literature, we will be seeing more and more cases of peri-implant diseases. The reported prevalence in the literature reaches almost 30 to 50% of implant patients. This means that one out of two or three of our implant patients might present with peri-implant disease at some point. This is also an important aspect of informed consent for our patients. Another troubling issue with regards to peri-implant diseases is the lack of appropriate, well-documented gold-standard treatment, specifically for peri-implantitis. There are many suggested treatment options described in case reports and case series in the literature; none of them seems to provide a predictable long-term resolution of the disease.

In order to prevent and treat peri-implant diseases, there is a need to understand the nature of the disease and the risk factors.

This lecture will focus on causes and risk factors for peri-implant diseases, ways to prevent its occurrence as well as the currently available treatment options for peri-implantitis. Preventive measures as well as treatment planning dilemmas will be discussed as well.


a. To understand the risk factors for peri-implant diseases
b. To explore ways to prevent peri-implant diseases
c. To recognize the occurrence as well as the currently available treatment options for peri-implantitis
d. To understand the prognostic systems for teeth and implants
e. To develop realistic expectations in terms of implant health and disease


Education and Prevention – A Team Approach to Better Oral Health

In the rush to train and practice various techniques, procedures and technologies, we sometimes skip important steps in treatment planning and implementation. While trying to excel in our clinical skills, we now and again, leave out the preventive, educational part of the treatment plan and also the possibilities to maintain and improve by using the natural healing capacity of the body. Treating disease starts with and is based on prevention. This is true for both major diseases that we are mainly dealing with in the dental profession - caries and periodontal diseases but also to traumatic dental injuries and tissue presentation following trauma.

Our profession is sometimes too busy dealing with improving our treatment results and too often abandons the preventive interventions that should be our main goal. Each and every patient should be engaged in a comprehensive and well-organized prevention program. Explaining the disease, its etiology, risk factors, and ways for intervention and prevention of all types to patients is our primary role, not filling teeth or placing implants. Preventive measures can truly change our patients’ health and wellbeing.

Success in dental treatment is the ability to bring patients to a stable condition in which they come for regular checkups with no need for further treatment. This is success, not just a perfect color match or a stable bone level around an implant. A patient who needs ongoing dental treatment, again and again for years, should be considered our failure.

In this lecture, different level of prevention will be discussed providing keys for enhancing long term success of dental treatments.


1. Understanding the different levels of prevention
2. Recognizing the main etiologic factors of oral diseases
3. Identifying the evidence behind prevention measures
4. Acquiring important keys for long term success of dental treatments
5. Discussing practical ways for prevention of dental diseases
6. Providing tools for enhanced prevention programs


Interactive Case Discussion
(cases submitted from attendees)

In collaboration Penny Hatzimanolakis

  • CAP to ask attendees to submit their cases before the conference.
  • During that session, those who submit their cases will present for 7 mins each about the case. Based on what they learn on the day, a discussion will be facilitated on how would they assess, classify and come up with their treatment plan.
  • Penny and Dr. Levin will facilitate the discussion on each case accordingly.

Powerpoint template for case presentation to be downloaded and used for case submission.

Download (PowerPoint PPTX File)


Prof. Liran Levin is a professor of periodontology at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta, Canada. He is also a visiting professor at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Boston, MA.

Prof. Liran Levin was the Head of Research at the School of Dentistry, Rambam Health Care Campus, and Faculty of Medicine - Technion IIT Haifa, Israel.

Prof. Liran Levin received his DMD degree with distinction at Tel Aviv University and completed his Post Graduate Periodontology Program at the Department of Periodontology, Rambam Health Care Campus. He also received his Periodontology Specialist Certificate from the European Federation of Periodontology as well as a Fellow of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada in Periodontology.

Prof. Liran Levin has published more than 300 articles and book chapters in the international professional literature and is involved in research mainly in periodontology, dental implants and dental trauma. His papers received more than 10,000 scientific citations. He has been lecturing extensively both nationally and internationally in the fields of dental implants and periodontal diseases.

Prof. Levin serves as the Editor-in Chief of Dental Traumatology, an Associate Editor for the International Dental Journal, Scientific Associate Editor for the Quintessence International and as an Editorial Board Member and a manuscript reviewer for some of the leading international professional Journals in the fields of periodontology, dental implants, dental trauma and general dentistry.

Prof. Levin has served as The Chairman of the Ethics in Dental Research Committee of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR). He is currently the President of the International Association for Dental Traumatology (IADT) and was chairing the 2020 IADT dental trauma guidelines committee.

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