Canadian Academy of Periodontology
The foundation of a healthy smile
CAP members working in Nanaimo:
Dr. Jonathan BOUWER
Nanaimo Dental Specialists
101-1621 Dufferin Crescent
Nanaimo, BC
V9S 5T4
Phone: 250-591-9805
Web site: www.nanaimodentalspecialists.com
Dr. Sonia LEZIY
Dr. Sonia Leziy Dental Corp
102-6545 Portsmouth Road
Nanaimo, BC
V9V 1A3
Phone: 250-824-1724
Fax: 250-824-1731
E-mail: sonia@elatus.ca
Web site: www.videntalspecialists.com
Dr. Giorgio PETRICCA
#503 - 495 Dunsmuir Street
Nanaimo, BC
V9R 6B9
Phone: 2507541233
Fax: 250-754-1236
E-mail: petricca@shaw.ca
Web site: www.petriccaperio.com
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